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On The Run - Rosie Around The World!

61 ára gamla Rosie Swale-Pope á kampingplássinum har úti við Strond í Havn, sum hon mótvegis øðrum landsmonnum er sera fegin um (Myndir: Birgir Kruse)

Útvið fimm ár hevur walisiska Rosie Swale-Pope, 61, ferðast um allan heim. Úr Íslandi er hon komin til Føroya, ávegis til Skotlands og walisiska heimlandið. Ferðin skal gevast út í bók, sum verður hin fimta frá hennara hond. Í dagbókini henda sama dag eg hitti hana, avdúkar Rosie, at heitið verður On the Run.

- Nei, hetta er ikki ein súkkla, sigur Rosie, tá eg spyrja hana um tað er hon við súkkluni á kampingplássinum, har yviri við Strond. This is a moving thing, sigur hon smílandi og setir brillurnar á ennið í hvassa sólskininum, meðan vaskitoyið dryppar á snórinum og burturkastið er koyrt í grønu skrellispannina. Hetta er frálíkt, sigur hon um kampingplássið yvir við Strond.

Tá eg sigi henna, at onnur ferðafólk hava eina aðra og meiri neiliga meining um hetta pláss, smírist hon og sigur at hetta er millum bestu kampingpláss hon hevur vitjað. Reint og heitt vatn, er tað besta sigur hon. Og so er fólk so avslappaði í Føroyum. Her má verða gott at búgva.

Rosie hevur inrættað seg snøgt og funktionelt í vogninum, sum hon dregur aftan á sær. Undirlagið er eitt grønlendskt reinsdjóraskinn og millum viðføri er íslendskt lýsi. Men fyrst og fremst er tað olivenolja eg brúki til alla matgerð, sigur hon. Og so havi eg eina fartelefon hjá Runner's World, sum eg skrivi fyri. Tað er altíð ein útreiðsla, at ringja heim frá ymsu londunum. Tú mást venda hvørjum oyra, skalt tú ikki vera ein skuldareyv, tá tú ert komin heim. So nú skal eg líka finna út av føroyska sim-kortinum.

Kvik og prátingarsom er hon, og eftir stuttari løtu er Rosie aftur á veg heim í býin at geva boð frá sær til sonin James, ið røkir heimasíðuna

Á heimasíðuni skrivar sonur James soleiðis fyri henda dagin:

31st of May 2008. Hi, Rosie is now on the Faroe Islands and this is the latest news update from her. She is planning to write a book about her experiences and adventures during her five-year run around the globe. Her experiences have certainly been an eye opener for me. It's quite extraordinary how people react to a lone woman running in some of the most desolate and dangers places. The kindness and generosity of people all through her world run, I have found very inspiring and so different from all the doom and gloom that comes at us when we listen to the news. If there are any particular things about Rosie is experiences or where she has been that interest you, please let her know through the guest book.
Warmest regards James.

Dagbókina 31. mai 2008 endar Rosie soleiðis:

I'm camped by the sea as I write, the wind is freshening, and waves are crashing along the shore. I'm thinking about how much I treasure the community of website. I LOVE your wonderful letters. I am so very grateful for your encouragement and kindness, and for all the news and fun you bring me. I am certain it will carry on long after the FINISH. I want this more than anything. You will always be part of my life.

The first task after I get to the end, will be to write my book. It means a lot to me that you are all be part of this too. I need to hear your ideas/input re what you might most like to read about! It will also be great to check out dates and information - from ALL around the red line of my circumnavigation! It has an experience, far beyond any dreams I had at the beginning!

Here are just a few chapters I am planning at present, but there is so very much more:

Life at -62CEquipment/survival tricks gathered in a steep learning curve along the way.

The wolf pack who follow me for a week in Siberia.Bears, coyotes.

Learning from the wildlife.

The lost brave children of the survivors of Stalin's Gulags.

My encounter with a naked man with a gun!

Being knocked unconscious while crossing a river.


Double pneumonia - and being knocked down by bus in Russia

Life while running through the slums of Gary, Indiana so called 'homicide capital' Or dancing with joy after completing the Chicago Marathon as an extra to the run!

'ON THE RUN!' - will be the title!

And - you are forever 'On the Run with me!'


Rosie. End