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Ríkisligar veðurlagsbroytingar

Í hesum døgum, meðan tosað verður um veðurlagsbroytingar og nýggjar siglingarleiðir framvið Føroyum og víðari gjøgnum Arktis, sum Minik Rosing fortelur um á Louisiana, fekk eg eitt væl innpakkað bræv úr Nuuk í Grønlandi. Skriftina kendi eg beinanvegin. Hetta er Ole Wich, sum er har í landinum í lestrarørindum. - Men hví er innihaldið á innskrivaða smápakkanum eitt frímerki við 150 krónu tollingarvirði?

Eg bretti upp og finni eitt listaverk hjá Inuk Silis Høegh og Asmund Havsteen-Mikkelsen, sum er eitt frímerki við virðinum 38.50, ið straks fær meg at hugsa um ta tíðina, tá Havnini hevði postnummarið 3800. Klárt at seta á veggin millum hini heimskortini.

“Meelting Barricades” er enska heitið á grønlendska listaverkinum, sum føroyska postverkið bar mær inn um gáttina og fekk meg at hugsa um donsku postnumrini. Danmark er fjalt av kava og ísi, so tað er meinlíkt Grønlandi, og alt Danmark er avtakið við grønlendskum nøvnum. Upprunin til verkið er at finna tann 21. juni 2004, tá grønlendska heimastýrið fylti fimmogtjúgu. Við enskt mæltu heimasíðuna Rethinking Nordic Colonialism, sigur Inuk soleiðis um verkætlanina, sum tá var:
“We wanted to make a Greenlandic army - an absurdity given the country’s size and population. Taking our point of departure in the rhetorics of the military, we posed the question: What values does Greenland wish to preserve and contribute with within a globalized world? Once Greenland becomes independent, the country should not uncritically become part of globalization’s tendency to homogeneity, nor should it withdraw in national self-sufficiency. Cultural barricades will melt, and new ones will arise. The question is how this transition should take place – and how Greenland will find its own two feet to stand on. Our project was many-sided and began with a performance in downtown Nuuk, May 2004. Dressed as two Greenlandic generals, we marched with drums and soldiers down the main street and encouraged everyone to join Greenland’s Defense Forces. The next part of the project consisted of founding the Greenlandic Command Post at the Usk Ukalisuaq School in June. As part of the discussion of Greenlandic values, we had arranged a drawing competition for all Greenlandic children entitled ‘What do you like about your country?’ These drawings, as well as propaganda films, invasions plans, and possible attack scenarios, became part of the final exhibition. In August 2004, we launched the second part of the project: a Greenlandic invasion of Denmark. The position of the colonial power was turned upside down in that Greenland was presented as the superior cultural and military power. The invasion was initiated in the culture house, The North Atlantic House, in Copenhagen. During the opening, we staged a victory parade in an armored vehicle in the streets of Copenhagen. Inside the exhibition, which was built as a military camp, we held a speech announcing the proportions of the occupation and the future plans for Greenland’s Defense Forces. Furthermore, audiences were presented with the strategy used to occupy the Danish Parliament, a specially designed torture chamber, an overview of military resources, and the army’s plans for increasing the Greenlandic population.” (Inuk Silis Høegh)

Millum øll heimsins skúlaatlas gjørdist grønlendska brævið frá Ole við grønlendska listaverkinum hjá Inuk og Asmund hugvekjandi og rannsakandi. Fyrr sungu vit um málið, ið var tjóðskaparromantiski lykilin til mentanina og hjartakulluna í allari tjóðini. Føroya mál á mannantungu og Min Moders søde stemme. Afturlatin mál í afturlatnum londum, við trongum portri til mentanarliga meginnervalagið. Men so síggi eg eitt spildurnýtt uppslag, sum fær meg at smílast og fegnast um, at summi eru, ið velja at síggja skemtið í hesum sama, og megna at venda ófrættakenda broddinum í tjóðskaparkensluni inn móti okkum sjálvi, og við berum sjálvspeiið siga, at Vi elsker at være færinger i Danmark. Lukkutíð eru tað vit sjálvi, ið vóru tey fyrru at siga so. Hugsa tær, at Treo á Ekstrablaðnum, ella ein gemenur súkklutjóður á Vesturbrúgv var hin fyrri at siga tað sama? Nei, einki er álvarsamri enn skemt!