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Ukraina og russiska fólkamorðið, sum Novosti lýsir tað

Sameindu Tjóðir samtyku í gjár at taka rættin frá limalandinum Russlandi at møta í Mannarættindaráðnum, The United Nations Human Rights Council. Úrslitið sæst omanfyri.

Hetta er fyrsta altjóða avgerð, eg havi lagt til merkis, síðan Russland gjørdi innrás í Ukraina fyri 44 døgum síðani, hin 24. februar í ár. 

Altjóða samfelagið hevur sagt nógv, ja eygleitt og kommenterað upp í spannir, sum vóru tey boðberar av tí avmálda skriviborðsslagnum við síðuna av djørvum tíðindafólkum, sum longu vóru har frammanundan.

Og í dag fer forsetin í Evropakommissiónini, Ursula von der Leyen, at vitja Volodymyr Zelenskyj í ukrainska høvuðsstaðnum Kyiv. Av trygdarávum er ikki upplýst nakað nærri um fundarstað og farleið. 

Júst hetta er forstáiligt, tá vit lesa eitt himmalbræv, eina russiska koyriætlan um lebensraum og útrudding av øllum óynsktum elementum, sum 80 ára gamla Kremlkrámandi tíðindastovan, Novosti, sendi út í vikuni undir yvirskriftini ”Hvat skal Russland gera við Ukraina?”. Ja, hin reina fólkatýning, uttan at nakar gevur henni ans, ætlaðu russisku fólkatýningini, sum fráboðað av Novosti.

Við til Novostisøguna hoyrir, at annan dagin eftir russisku innrásina í Ukraina, hin 26. februar 2022, varð av misgávum sent út eitt preskriberað russiskt himmalbræv til allan hin órussiska heimin um, at nú var Russland lent í nýggja heiminum ”Наступление России и нового мира”. Í himmalbrævinum frá Novosti verður sagt, at Russland hevur vunnið Russo-Ukrainska kríggið, og at vilsta Ukrainalambið er komið heim aftur til móður Russland. Rithøvundur er Petr Apokov, sum førdømir teir anglo-saxar, sum í dag ráða fyri vestan, og nú ætla at stjala russisk landaøki, eftir katastrofuna í 1991 tá konstruktiónin Sovjet fall til jarðar. Í greinini verður sagt, at henda praktiska og miskunsama atgerð hjá russiska forsetanum, Vladimir Putin, loysir med alla ukrainska spurningin og leggur grund undir eina nýggja heimsskipan við Russlandi, Hvítarusslandi og Ukraina, sum nú verða ein geopolitisk eind, sum nú stendur móti restini av Evropa. Novostigreinin, sum varð publiserað í óðum verkum, var tikin av aftur síðuni, men nógv høvdu longu sæð hana, bæði í Russlandi og í Pakistan, har avísin The Frontier Post endurprentaði greinina á enskum undir heitinum ”The new world order”.

Nú er Novosti aftur á breddanum. Hesuferð er tað Timofey Sergeytsev, sum skrivar dagsins tekst: Hvat skal Russland gera við Ukraina?

Russiska greinin kann takast fram á telefonina, og trýstir tú niðast í vinstra horn, so kann russiski teksturin á síðuni hjá Novosti umsetast við einum klikki.

Her seti eg inn nakrar bitar úr ensku týðingini av russiska tekstinum hjá Novosti um, hvussu Ukraina skal reinskast sum fólk og tjóð, ella púra ruddast út, um ikki annað ber til.

Fyrst ein diskleymari og átrokandi orsøk til hesa miskunarsomu bjargingaratgerð í tøkum tíma, tí Ukronazisma er størri hóttan fyri heimin og Russland, enn týska nazisman nakrantíð varð undir Hitler:

The collective West itself is the designer, source and sponsor of Ukrainian Nazism, while the Western Bandera cadres and their “historical memory” are only one of the tools for the Naziification of Ukraine. Ukronazism carries not less, but a greater threat to the world and Russia than German Nazism of the Hitlerite version.

Næsti diskleymari er meira innviklaður. Her verður sagt, hví eindin Ukraina er vónleys sum land og skipan, og heldur Russland fram at loyva hesum vónleysa landi at halda fram, so endar alt, eisini Evropa, í nazistiskari oyðing. Nakað tað sama siktið og kall, sum sæst og hoyrist í ávarandi yrkingini og himmalbrævinum hjá Rudyard Kipling í 1899 um ábyrgd hvíta mansins, at fara út í allan heim og lyfta tey, sum ikki eru hvít, upp á okkara vesturlendska støði:

Unlike, say, Georgia and the Baltic countries, Ukraine, as history has shown, is impossible as a nation state, and attempts to “build” one naturally lead to Nazism. Ukrainism is an artificial anti-Russian construction that does not have its own civilizational content, a subordinate element of an alien and alien civilization. Debanderization by itself will not be enough for denazification – the Bandera element is only a performer and a disguise for the European project of Nazi Ukraine, therefore the denazification of Ukraine is also its inevitable de-Europeanization.

Kirkjan er eisini ein táttur, sum er lagdur inn í russisku ætlanina at javna Ukraina, og alt tað, sum skapar ta tjóðina, við jørðina, og hvar størstu russara-hatararnir skulu beinast:

The “Catholic province” (Western Ukraine as part of five regions) is unlikely to become part of the pro-Russian territories. The line of alienation, however, will be found empirically. It will remain hostile to Russia, but forcibly neutral and demilitarized Ukraine with formally banned Nazism. The haters of Russia will go there. Perhaps this will require a permanent Russian military presence on its territory.

Russiska innrásin í Ukraina er fremst av øllum ein stigvísur liður í diplomatiskari friðar- og sáttargerð, har hvørt friðarstig hevur sítt endamál:

The operation to denazify Ukraine, which began with a military phase, will follow the same logic of stages in peacetime as a military operation. At each of them, it will be necessary to achieve irreversible changes, which will become the results of the corresponding stage.

Himmalskrivið frá Novosti fer niður í smálutir og nevnir eisini skúlabøkur og undirvísingartilfar, sum hálovar nazismu. Liquidation, tað er at týna og rudda út, er eitt nógv nýtt og afturvendandi orð í russiskum:

- liquidation of armed Nazi formations (which refers to any armed formations of Ukraine, including the Armed Forces of Ukraine), as well as the military, information, and educational infrastructure that ensures their activity; … withdrawal of educational materials and prohibition of educational programs at all levels containing Nazi ideological guidelines; …

At fara við russiska lúsakambinum og finna allar nazistalýs í Ukraina er eitt innanhýsis russiskt avgreiðslumál, sum ikki kemur øðrum við:

Russia will have no allies in the denazification of Ukraine. Since this is a purely Russian business.

Russiski Endlösung er lýstur við hesum orðum, ið fær Hitler og hansara Endlösung der Judenfrage at blikna og fjara út í søguligu fyrndina. Hallo, hetta er nútíðin vit tosa um, eini boð frá Novosti í hesari vikuni, má eg siga, innan eg lesi víðari:

To put the plan of denazification of Ukraine into practice, Russia itself will have to finally part with pro-European and pro-Western illusions, realize itself as the last instance of protecting and preserving those values of historical Europe (the Old World) that deserve it and which the West ultimately abandoned, losing the fight for itself. This struggle continued throughout the 20th century and was expressed in the world war and the Russian revolution, inextricably linked with each other.

Og so ein seinasta heilsan til okkum í vesturheiminum, ið ikki kendu russisku vitjunartíðina, vit hava sjálvi skyldina, tá Putin ger okkurt, sum eingin enn veit, hvat er, men sum hann við vissu ætlar at proklamera 9. mai:

The last act of Russian altruism was the outstretched hand of friendship from Russia, for which Russia received a monstrous blow in the 1990s. Everything that Russia has done for the West, it has done at its own expense, by making the greatest sacrifices.

Nataliya Popovych er ein av teim mongu, ið hava týtt russiska himmalbrævið hjá Novosti til vesturheimin um, hví tað eftir russiskari hugsan, er neyðugt, at jarðleggja Ukraina, sambært russiskari hugsan. Hon býr í Liviv í Ukraina, hevur lisið miðlar og samskifti og stovnað One Philosophy í 2017. Visiónin hjá One Philosophy, sum eisini er umboðað í Keypmannahavn, er: 

We do not choose the time we live in, but we can influence what we make with the time we have. By exploring and discovering our raison d'être and missions. By striving to be the best versions of ourselves. By standing up and thus standing out. We believe in acting as leaders whom we ourselves respect. Choosing when and where to say “no”. And where to dive with our hearts and souls into a joint action with those who share our mission and passion. We believe that behind every major change there is a calling to make the world more human and happy.

Ukrainska Nataliya Popovych skrivar hesa viðmerking á enskum til tað, sum Novosti skrivar í vikuni: 

- Russia not only wants to exterminate Ukrainians as it clearly states in the article, but it sees the entire Western world as its enemy. It wants to manipulate all former colonies into its next frontier of leadership. It is critical that all our friends in the former colonies understand that Ukraine has been oppressed buy the Russian imperialism and then Russian Soviet Russian bolshevism for too long. There is nothing new in this painting of the future that we have not previously seen from Russia. Our grandparents were killed, our parents prosecuted in the millions, our religion and language have already been banned before, our elites have been prosecuted and killed, and we are being put at the risk of extermination not for ever wanting to attack Russia, but for simply wanting to live, to be. To be free. To democratically elect our leadership. To live within a constitution of liberties, as the first of such constitutions Ukrainians had written in 1700s. I sincerely hope that the second most immediate reaction to this programmatic article, after you manage through your disgust, will be not more fear, but more courage to fight together with us and free the world of this Russian monstrous ideology of aggression and imposing its will over others.

- Imaging replacing the word nazi with the word Ukraine in this article. If you are a national of Denmark, or Australia, or France or Argentina or Japan - imagine someone telling you, you cannot have your flag, speak your language, teach the traditions and wisdom of your homeland to your kids. Imagine, being told that loving them, that being who you are makes you a Nazi. Remember that the fraction of the ultra-right parties in Ukraine is lower than in any other country in Europe and they have never made it to parliament and simply do not exist in majority of the local councils. That your president is Jewish, and few other presidents and prime ministers have been Jewish too. And that you read texts where black is called white and white is called black. And where your love for your country, your patriotism is called Nazism and that your people begin to be killed, shelled, raped and exterminated for being Ukrainian.

- Get over with whatever it is that you feel and finally help us destroy Russia before it destroys the world, sigur Nataliya Popovych. 

Slava Ukraini - allur heiður til Ukraina og tað fólkið, har býr!