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Brasilskur filmsleikstjóri arbeiðir í Føroyum

Mikukvøldið hitti eg brasilska leikstjóran, Daniel Bandeira, sum mánakvøldið fer at visa “Property” í Filmsfelagnum. 

- Great screening. Still thinking a lot about it, sigur hann á enskum um nýggja Scorsese filmin “Killings of the Flower Moon”, eftir fullsettu sýningina.

- Daniel er her sum partur av einum netverki, vit kalla Pop Up Film Residency, sigur Jón Hammer, ið er framleiðari og rekur felagið Kykmyndir. Hetta er aðru ferð, hann er vertur.

Mánadagin klokkan 19:00 vísir Filmsfelagið nýggjasta lidna filmin hjá Daniel Bandeira, ”Property”. 

- It is a take on the ancient slavery evil that still lurks in Brazil, told through elements of genre cinema, sigur Daniel, sum er føddur í Recife í 1979. It's also a cautionary tale about our times of division and incommunicability. And a fun thriller, I hope, leggur hann láturmildur afturat.

Fyri at verja seg ímóti uppreisturi á fedranna garðinum, har abeiðsfólkini eru blivin álvarsliga ónøgd, læsir einligi sniðgevin, Teresa, seg inni í einum bili, ið er brynjaður sum ein stríðsvognur. Klokkan gongur, og spenningurin økist. Einans hert glas skilir nú hennara og teirra heim sundur - og ikki slepst undan eini uppgerð og samanbresti. 

Leikstjórin, Daniel Bandeira, er til staðar, og eftir sýningina er Q&A, sum Gudmund Helmsdal stýrir.

- I grew up watching late night movies and browsing in video stores. Genre cinema is my friend. It's a tool which I use to cope with the world. People like Leone, Peckinpah, Romero, Verhoeven, Bigelow, Carpenter. They also use genre cinema conventions to offer thrilling entertainment, with layers of commentaries on the anxieties of their times. And I like that. This perception helped me a lot as a film editor. And it was fundamental in my first feature film as director, called "Amigos de Risco" ("Peer Pressure"), a mix between "La Haine" + "After Hours" + "Weekend at Bernie's". This film was made among close friends, also walking their first steps on filmmaking. Many of them were also on board of "Property", my second feature film, released 17 years later. And here we are in Tórshavn.

Filmurin “Property”, sum verður sýndur mánakvøldið, varð vístur á stóru filmstevnuni Berlinale í ár.

- I submitted my following project, "Red Express", to Pop Up Film Residency, a mentorship program for the development of film projects. It is held by Matthieu Darras, hosted by Jón Hammer, and it is facilitated by Projeto Paradiso, an institution dedicated to promoting Brazilian filmmakers, sigur Daniel um orsøkina til at hann nú er í Havn.

- Each edition of Pop Up takes place in a different city, and my turn happened to be right in the Faroe Islands. It has been an amazing and somewhat profound experience. Until now, the Faroe Islands were just an idea, away from my tiny bubble of reality. To make contact with the land, its weather, the mood of its people, their history. Well, it certainly broadens the perspective of the world we live in. As a storyteller and as a person of the world, this experience is invaluable, to say the least.   

Eg blaði í gomlum skráum hjá Filmsfelagnum og finni brasilskar leikstjórar sum Glauber Rocha og filmin “Antonio Dræberen”, sum vit bíløgdu frá Christian Braad Thomsen, sum sjálvur hevði innflutt filmin, ið hevði portugisiska heitið "Antonio das Mortes O Dragão da Maldade contra o Santo Guerreiro", og seinni í skránni hava vit eisini víst "Cidade de Deus / City of God". Hvussu vilt tú lýsa brasilskan film í dag?

- There are many cinemas within Brazilian Cinema. In general, it's always trying to understand and make statements about our own social contradictions. As our media and even our educational system tends to overlook the importance of our history and culture, our filmmakers are constantly making efforts to fill these gaps. This results in very grounded approaches to our historical and contemporary social issues. Recently, however, there has been a growing interest in genre cinema, either as a tool for the depiction of our reality, or as a way to reconnect with the audiences lost due to the COVID pandemics. Something wickedly good this way comes for Brazilian Cinema in the next few years, and I'm very excited to be part of it, in a way.

Komandi filmurin, sum Daniel nú arbeiðir við í Føroyum, “Red Express”, varð valdur út í samstarvi við Projeto Paradiso, millum trettan umsóknir frá leikstjórum úr Brasilia, sum hava gjørt minst tveir filmar frammanundan. 

- Daniel er í Føroyum í tríggjar vikur og arbeiðir við handritinum, og fær ráðgeving frá mentorum og serfrøðingum, útvaldir eftir tørvinum, sum verkætlanin hevur. Ikki minst, fær hann eisini frið at hugsavna seg um arbeiðið, og uppliva føroyska heystarveðrið. Pop Up Film Residency er eitt netverk av filmsfólki, sum eru vertir fyri og skipa fyri serliga tilrættislagdum programmum fyri menning av nýggjum filmsverkætlanum, skipað av filmsfólki, til filmsfólk, og í løtuni eru vit úr ellivu londum og samstarva við fleiri stórar filmsstevnur, grunnar og film institutt, sigur Jón.

- Í fjør hevði eg ein franskan leikstjóra og høvund, Ismaël Joffroy Chandoutis, búgvandi, og tá var verkætlanin vald í samstarv við Cannes Court Metrages, sigur Jón Hammer at enda.

Sýningin mánadagin er almenn og byrjar kl 19:00.